Get the FAST Medical Device Training Brochure
Having a basic idea of device development still leaves more questions:
How can a team effectively communicate realistic deadlines?
How can effective cross-functional / inter-departmental communication take place?
How does a person go about managing unrealistic expectations?
How can leaders manage and uphold accountability?
What tactics can prevent scope creep from late or poorly defined Design Inputs?
What are the best ways to get timely signoff on Design Controls documents?
How can a device project team operate more efficiently?
The objectives of this training are to teach people to:
Describe their own behavioral style and its advantages and challenges
Assess the behavioral style of another person given reasonable information
Describe the best approach to interacting with each given behavioral style
Understand and use the FAST method to approach a medical device project challenge
Describe the finer points of each step of FAST
Give examples on how to apply FAST to some common medical device project difficulties
The advantages of this training are:
It is the only program exclusively focused on medical device development.
The trainer is a 12-year veteran of the device industry and has worked on over 100 projects in that time
The trainer is a 25-year user of the DISC model and has deep practical experience with it in the device industry.
Given the breadth of the trainer's experience, the program can be tailored toward specific device areas and specialties.
The trainer is familiar with medical device company culture and the deep underlying issues that create challenges in projects.
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